Taller musical durante la 3 edición de las jornadas de convivencia y activismo LGTBI.
Music workshop organised by our member, Iris
These are team building and activism days that our association holds every six months; one Saturday in autumn and another in spring. For these days we use public centres and spaces such as the Fundación Luis Seoane or the Centro Cívico Cidade Vella. These meetings begin in the morning with three speakers who bring their experience and knowledge on the topics of interest. In order to participate, you need only to pre-register online free of charge.

The afternoon is dedicated to internal training and to the establishment of links between the members and as such is only open for the participation of the members themselves. We carry out workshops in groups to improve the dynamics between our members. We also make use of the tools of theatre and music to work on team spirit.

If you want to participate as a speaker in a DinamizALAS or suggest topics to be discussed in future editions, write to us!

Would you like to be part of the great ALAS A Coruña family? To not miss any of our team building and activism days, join us!

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